Posted in All Reflections

Spark: My #OLW for 2022 (and beyond)

What’s New? Spark is SO last year but continues to be my guide in the classroom and in life. As…

Posted in All Fun

Poetry in Comp Class?

What’s Really New? I mixed in a lot of new poetry this semester which really stepped up our writing and…

Posted in All Reflections

Considering the #OLW

What’s Really New? If I was forced to pick my One Little Word for 2024 right now then it would…

Posted in All Guides

Reflecting From Start to Finish

What’s New? This is the point in the semester where I start to reap the rewards of our cycle of…

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How’s It Going?

How’s it going might be the most powerful question one human can ask another. The question my husband uses to…

Posted in All Guides

The 3 Reasons I Teach Rhetorical Analysis

What’s Really New? Last week I kicked off the rhetorical analysis unit with my first year writers and when I…