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How Do I Use Poetry In Comp Class? Let me count the ways…

I have long used poetry to inspire writing in my composition classrooms, but during those early pandemic years I went…

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Starting Write

One of the shifts I have made in my work life that has been the best choice ever is to…

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Teaching Writing in the AI Era

I have mostly ignored the AI-panic on the teacher socials because early on John Warner wrote “ChatGPT Can’t Kill Anything…

Posted in All Reflections

Awesome Year to Become a National Writing Project Teacher Leader

What’s New? I should be working on my June blog post, but recently Linked In told me that June was…

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Reflective Feedback Loops

Developing as a writer is a journey not a process, but that journey is not a straight line with clear…

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Logbook Love

A logbook (or log book) is a record used to record states, events, or conditions applicable to complex machines or the personnel who…