Category: Guides

Collections of resources to supporting teaching ranging from pedagogical tips to content strategies.

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Using Snaps to Inspire Thinking and Writing

From my first introduction to snaps I’ve been excited by their potential to support student thinking and writing. Snaps have…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Teaching With #HyperDocs

What’s New? I just wrapped up another successful Online Summer Institute for the Morehead Writing Project and to my great…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Ungrading Reflections

In which I finally realize I’ve been #ungrading for a while During the first half of the Spring 2020 semester…

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Hacking My Own #HyperDoc Template: Part 3 (KonMarie Lessons)

The world is a lot right now, even for the privileged, which means everyone’s cognitive load is hovering dangerously near…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Teaching Online: Things Just Got Real

I have the benefit of 15+ years experience teaching online and hybrid classes combined with multiple experiences as a student/learner…

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Hacking My Own #HyperDoc Template: Part 2 (Weekly Workflow)

As I wrote in Part 1 of Hacking My Own #HyperDoc Template, I love using HyperDocs in my classes (both online and hybrid)….