Category: Guides

Collections of resources to supporting teaching ranging from pedagogical tips to content strategies.

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How’s It Going?

How’s it going might be the most powerful question one human can ask another. The question my husband uses to…

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The 3 Reasons I Teach Rhetorical Analysis

What’s Really New? Last week I kicked off the rhetorical analysis unit with my first year writers and when I…

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An American Creed Writing Marathon

From the first, I have been clear with my students that my goal for our Writing I class is to…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

#HyperDocs Make Living, Learning, and Teaching Easier

What’s Really New? Hyperdocs continue to make teaching, learning, and living easier for those I work with and myself. When…

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An #Ungrading Journey

My ungrading journey began in the Spring 2019 semester – although at the time I did not fully appreciate that…

black metal current posts
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Bring The Power: Start Off Write

In Fall 2023 all of this will continue to be true but yesterday I kicked off the semester by writing…