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What do low-stakes writing assignments look like?

Last week I proposed the idea of using low-stakes writing to give students writing practice and the opportunity to engage…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

You can assign writing and avoid a grading avalanche

We all know what traditional writing assignments look like in college – the report, the term paper, the essay –…

Posted in All Reflections

What is college ready? How deep is the water where you swim?

This August I am embarking on two new ventures which have me thinking a lot about college readiness and what…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Teachers: Expose Yourself and Show Your Work

How often do you show your work to your students? Those who teach in fields such as math and science…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Considering Contract Grading and the Class Blog

In the Spring Semester I used class blogs to foster class discussion in my online classes (see Feedback Loops). I…

Posted in All Pillar Reflections

The Problem of Rice Crispy Treat Writing Instruction

Writing is a constant in my life. I have in turns made my living as a writer and as a…