Posted in All Guides Pillar

7 Strategies to Improve Conferences With Writers

What’s New? Reading this post after experiencing several titanic shifts in my praxis inspired by both internal (teaching philosophy) and…

Posted in All Notable Reflections

Notable Notes: Without the humanities we will not bloom

This Notable Notes post is devoted to the idea of higher education, specifically its role in educating our future workers…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

3 Reasons to (Re)Write the Literacy Narrative

I love literacy narratives. I love to read them. I love to write them. I love to teach them. This…

Posted in All Notable Reflections

Notable Notes: The impact of Kentucky’s proposed budget on education

Kentucky is headed in a very dangerous direction. I want to use this collection of Notable Notes to share important…

Posted in All Reflections

Don’t Fail My Students

I am worried about my students. I teach writing at Morehead State University which means a large percentage of my…

Posted in All Pillar Reflections Teaching Tips

Why I #LoveTeaching

Update: This has been the kind of week where it seems ridiculous to think about retiring. I am reading slant…