Posted in All Notable Reflections

Notable Notes: Every Teacher Should Write

What’s New? I believe this even more fervently than I did when I wrote the original post because I am…

Posted in All Reflections

Embrace the Journey, Question, Believe in You

I usually wrap up every semester by requiring my students to reflect on the class, their work, and what they…

Posted in All Guides Notable

Notable Notes: Community

As I near the end of my semester and begin the process of wrapping up and saying farewell to my…

Posted in All Reflections

Community, Reflection, and Passion

I usually wrap up every semester by requiring my students to reflect on the class, their work, and what they…

Posted in All Fun

3 Ways to Beat End-of-Semester Stress

There are only nine days of classes then five days of finals and this semester is over – and I’m…

Posted in All Guides Notable

Notable Notes: National Writing Project #NWP

I am a National Writing Project teacher. My involvement in the National Writing Project has changed my life and my…