Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

3 Tips To Support Peer Review

Students in my writing classes spend a lot of time providing feedback to each other, because I am a firm…

Posted in All Pillar Reflections

Is your classroom a writing ecosystem?

A the cornerstone of my writing pedagogy is the writing workshop and in order for that writing workshop to work…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Writing Our Future: American Creed

We are halfway through the semester Studying American Literacy and as I conference with students to determine their grades for…

Posted in All Guides

How do you check in?

Recently I had a conversation with a colleague where he was lamenting the amount of grading that he had to…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

3 reasons I love teaching hybrid courses

Much of my teaching career at Morehead State has included teaching hybrid courses. In hybrid, also known as blended, courses…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

3 reasons to teach with American Creed

Last year at this time, on the heels of the Kentucky Writing Project Fall Conference, I decided to rebuild my…