Posted in All Guides

Surviving in the Eye of the Storm: Quick Sorts, Class Letters, and Feedback Loops

Here I sit in the eye of the storm. Yesterday was the last day of classes and Monday kicks off…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

3 Ways To Challenge How Students Think About Writing

Maybe you are blessed to work somewhere that students’ writing lives are fully supported, but most of my students come…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Using Student-Developed Standards To Assess Writing

I was going to write an update about using conference grading, and I will, but today my heart is still…

Posted in All Reflections

The Kentucky Writing Project Made Me A Better Teacher

My teaching career began in 1987 in Ansonia High School in Connecticut then after teaching in New York State for…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Why I Made My Composition Classes Textbook-Free Zones

This semester I finally moved to make both of my general education writing classes textbook-free zones. I have long been…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Slam Poetry & Arguments

I love slam poetry. It is a wonderful writing exercise and emotional release. I enjoy on-the-fly slam poems delivered at…