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Crafting Our American Creeds

As I’ve noted before I embarked on an American literacy themed class in the Fall of 2019 and built the…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Hacking Our Game Jam

My Writing II classes were only halfway through our game-themed writing class when the pandemic disrupted education across the nation…

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Conference Grading 3.0 and the 3 Rs

As I wrap up my third semester of conference grading (which included a half semester of pandemic teaching), I am…

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Why (and how) I Teach Rhetorical Analysis

I love teaching rhetorical analysis, because it is so rewarding as a writing teacher. I also love teaching rhetorical analysis…

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The Case For Narrative Argument

When I first began teaching college-level writing in 1999 I taught the modes because that seemed to be the prevailing…

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Collaborating On A Class Reading List (and what to do with it)

What’s New? All my writing classes (from first year writing to graduate level) use open online texts as resources and…