Posted in All Teaching Tips

Four-Square Writing Plan

When I embraced my Less is More philosophy I thought long and hard about the key structures that I wanted…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Why I’m HyFlexing My HyperDocs This Fall

In which I take you on a tortuous journey through my thinking, planning, and preparing to teach college writing classes…

Posted in All Reflections

Writing Protest

I started this post yesterday and have returned to it over and over because I can’t settle. I can’t stay…

Posted in All Reflections

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

I love a good metaphor. I love a good framework for thinking. I love a good shorthand to support community…

Posted in All Reflections

Good Faith Arguments

What’s New? As my first year writers begin work on their formal argument essays (as required by our program), I…

Posted in All Guides

None of This is Normal

I survived my season of pandemic teaching as did my college-age son suddenly dumped back into the nest after he…