Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

We Need More Writing Marathons

What’s New? Everything and nothing! Easiest to start with what is not new – my love of writing marathons. I…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Teaching Writing: An Approach Grounded in Values

A year ago I wrote that teaching with American Creed restored my faith in America and Americans, but I almost…

Posted in All Guides Pillar

Using Snaps to Inspire Thinking and Writing

From my first introduction to snaps I’ve been excited by their potential to support student thinking and writing. Snaps have…

Posted in All Pillar Reflections

Defeating the Midterm Wall

What’s Really New? I am enjoying my students so much this semester that I am considering making this year my…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

My Workshop Process

I have written a lot of blog posts about writing workshop over the years, because no matter how my praxis…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Checking In

Teaching and learning during a pandemic is hard. Creating and sustaining community during a pandemic is hard. I chose a…