black metal current posts
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Bring The Power: Start Off Write

In Fall 2023 all of this will continue to be true but yesterday I kicked off the semester by writing…

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Pro Teacher Tip: Build Community

What’s Really New: Building community continues to be the best piece of advice that I can give to any teacher…

Posted in All Reflections

Educators have already given more than the system(s) deserve(s) and that must stop now

What’s Really New? Almost three years later and I’m so so tired. Exhausted to the bone. I took a week…

Posted in All Reflections

I Am Broken

In my last post, Be Full of Grace, I asked that everyone act with grace toward yourself and others because…

Posted in All Reflections

Be Full of Grace

I chose the word RESIST as my One Little Word for 2021 because I wanted to resist complacency in my…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Authentic Teaching

One of my mentor teachers had a line that echoes in my head many years after we lost her: be…