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Notable Notes: Exploring Identity with/in #CLMOOC

Writing about identity and building community are particularly fraught enterprises – at least if done right and taken seriously. Every…

Posted in All CLMOOC Fun

Who Am I? #CLMOOC Make Cycle #1

I am excited to take part in my third #CLMOOC this summer. Our first make cycle is always about introducing…

Posted in All Favorite Teaching Tips

3 Ways Bell Ringers Will Improve Your Class

One of the ways that I changed things up in my classes this semester was to switch to a workshop…

Posted in All Notable Reflections

Notable Notes: Teachers Should Write (reprise)

What’s New? My belief in this simple statement has only grown in the years since I wrote the original post….

Posted in All Reflections

Should I stay or should I go?

I recently shared a collaborative praise poem I wrote with my students at the end of the semester. I loved…

Posted in All Fun

Celebrating Ourselves

As I have already noted, I like to wrap up every semester by requiring my students to reflect on the class,…