Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

The Secret Ingredient For Teaching Success

Yesterday was a good day. My plan for my classes was minimal — just two topics for students to engage…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

Gaming the System

The phrase “gaming the system” has a bad rap. I would argue that teachers should spend more time teaching their…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

The Writer is the Goal

What’s New? I have been clear that I am a writing evangelist. I believe writing is magic that can create…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

Oh, Snap: 3 Reasons To Snap In Class

Dr. Sandra Hogue (fellow National Writing Project and Kentucky Writing Project peer) introduced me to the concept of the booksnap…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

3 Writing Lessons We Learned From Games

A few weeks ago my students and I wrapped up the first unit of our game-themed writing class. While my…

Posted in All Reflections

Grade Conferences: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I wrapped up my grade conferences a few days ago, but honestly I am still processing the experience. It was…