Posted in All Teaching Tips

What Happens When Life Forces Your Class Online?

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe and the United States, I have watched education Twitter burst into flames as instructors…

Posted in All Pillar Teaching Tips

Gaming the Teaching of Writing

Recently my colleague, Dr. Alison Hruby – English Education Coordinator at Morehead State, invited me to visit her Teaching Writing…

Orbert Davis and members of CJP rehearse with UofL jazz and classical students
Posted in All Reflections

Third Stream: Music, Teaching, and Writing

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend a University of Louisville Symphony Orchestra concert which I chose to attend…

Posted in All Reflections

Heal: My #OLW for 2020

It seems that the One Little Word (#OLW) may be going out of fashion and I know I’m hideously late…

Posted in All Teaching Tips

3 Ways This I Believe Essays Support Writing Instruction

What’s New? I use This I Believe essays for both semester of my first year writing classes. In the fall…

Posted in All Pillar Reflections

Can We Talk About Authentic Writing?

As a writing instructor and National Writing Project site director I often hear and read the term “authentic writing” bandied…