Tag: Social Media

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How Do You Write Community?

Write Your Community: That is the challenge made by the 2014 National Day on Writing on Monday, Oct. 20. The…

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Connected = Community

In my first Connected Educator Month blog post I talked about fostering voice and agency in both teachers and students,…

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My PLN is the Terminator

Last night I made my professional writing students think about professional learning networks and begin the process of building their…

Posted in All CLMOOC Reflections

Reflecting on CLMOOC

Praise To The Teacher Writer – A make I created with Haiku Deck, Typical of my CLMOOC participation, I am…

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Reflecting Back, Planning Ahead

As I began preparing for fall classes I realized that I was far overdue to reflect on the Spring 2014…

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Midterm Musings: Morehead Online Summer Institute

We are at the half-way point of our third Morehead Online Summer Institute and as reflection is both one of…