Tag: Social Media

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Notable Notes: (We Can Help You) Be The Thing You Teach

Liz Prather recently suggested eight tips for “How To Become A Teacher Leader” and the first of those strategies, be…

Posted in All Notable Reflections

Introducing Notable Notes

As I’ve blogged before (see “PLNs, Serendipity, and Learning” and “My PLN is the Terminator”), this is a great time…

Posted in All Reflections Teaching Tips

Is Your Elevator Pitch Ready?

Before I knew that Winter would put the Commonwealth of Kentucky under a state of emergency and cancel a whole…

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Why Blog?

My blog is now two years old and I have 104 posts which means I have been able to maintain…

Posted in All CLMOOC Teaching Tips

3 Benefits Of Teaching With (or Through) Social Media

I’ve been teaching with social media for a long time. I’ve used Twitter, Google+, and Edmodo with undergraduates as well…

Posted in All Favorite Reflections

Why I Want A Third Space

What’s New? Almost a decade later and I still rely heavily on third space theory for my pedagogy and praxis….